The Association of Extremity Nerve Surgeons Proudly Announces the Formation of The Extremity Nerve Research Foundation
The Foundation mission is to provide charitable outreach and promote scientific research and education for extremity nerve treatment.
MISSION: The Guayquil, Ecuador mission is led by Dr. James Wilton.
The mission is in conjunction with The Damien Foundation &
The Luis Vernanza Hospital (the largest charity hospital in South America) 1 week ….
• Over 200 patients from area villages…..
• Treating diverse pathologies ….
• Pathologies treated include: nerve damage from leprosy, reverse paralysis
of arms and legs, pediatric and adult extremity deformities. The team
includes surgical assistants, hand orthopedists, podiatric physicians and
anesthesiology staff and local security.
RESEARCH: The ENRF research focus will be to conduct and support scientific research to advance extremity nerve treatment.Without documentation, publications, scientific studies and communicating to patients, nerve treatment will NOT advance. Current studies being discussed include epidermal nerve vs. PSSD, blood flow study, EMG NIM impact, amputation impact and Baxters nerve. For research projects, grants or donations, contact Dr. Stephen Barrett or the main AENS office.
Dr. Barrett challenges each member to make a $5000 donation to the Foundation.
Payment plans are available. Be a part of the future.